For the many thoughts that come and go unannounced and the ones which refuse to budge out of my head…


My dog, Buddy, as a puppy

My 4-year old Golden Labrador Retriever, Buddy, is the most adorable creature ever. The ‘ego’-less being that he is, he rarely gets angry and never judges. He’s almost more human than the humans in the house. And most of all, he gives love unconditionally.


Buddy's paw shake-cum-high five

We share this special bond with each other, almost like one of a brother or sometimes even a baby, and have our unique ways of communicating. He can sense when I’m low or just need someone and comes and puts his head on my lap or licks my palm showing his affection. Sometimes he puts his paw on my arm as a sign of reassurance. It’s the most amazing feeling when your pet understands you. He had his head on my lap once when I gently pet his forehead, and before I knew it, this little baby was fast asleep.

Yesterday, in the evening, he was getting really scared of some crackers burning nearby. He ran to me panting and fretting, and as usual I held his paw and sat down with him. Before I knew it, he creped up to my lap and held my arms tightly with is paws, and I hugged him with reassurance that everything’s going to be fine. The panting stopped and mild breath thereafter felt like a sigh of relief.


A slightly frightened Buddy

Sometimes they seem helpless and you feel like protecting them like as if a baby, sometimes you feel dependant on them to express or let out a pent up emotion, sometimes you just need them around for that immense joy they give, and most of all they’re the only ones who’ll always give you unconditional love.

Pets truly are the most precious and special.


Buddy's head on my lap

Comments on: "My Dog, ‘Buddy’-More Human than any Human can be" (14)

  1. I too had a dog long back and I can understand how you feel.They are surely man’s best friend

    • You’re absolutely right! 🙂
      They bring so much happiness in our lives without expecting anything in return.. 🙂

  2. can totally empathise…
    do bring him over to Pet Pride

  3. I can’t really comment on this one. In fact I am shocked at the irony of me coming across such a post.
    I’ll link you to this post of mine..
    Please read and see for yourself. 🙂

  4. OMG! He is so very cute. Say a big Hi to Buddy from me.

    Pets are a blessing, though I never had one. One of my good friends suffered from a slight depression during her pregnancy and the doctor warned her of bad consequences if she did not cheer up. That is when she got a dog and from the Day 1 the dog stepped into the house, she got over the depression. She says that she is really indebted to the dog – and guess what, her kid calls the dog – bhaiyya!

    • Thank you so much, Poornima Di.. 🙂
      Knowing him, he might just understand and say hi back.. 🙂

      And.. that is just simply ‘aww’-inspiring. 🙂
      I can completely understand how it must have been. It’s amazing how happy just a pet’s presence can make you. 🙂

      Hugs.. 🙂

  5. my father is allergic to dogs – so i never got to keep a dog except a puppy i had once as a child . and trust me , iv missed the four legged influence in my life .

    one day when i keep my own house id like to have a lot of dogs , nothing loves you as unconditionally as a dog.

    awesome post arushi – i can almost see things the way you describe them !!
    keep writing ! its always a pleasure to read ur blog 🙂
    p.s. give ur buddy a great big pat from my side and tell him that i love him too by just having read about him 🙂

    • Aww.. Thank you Devika… 🙂
      And yeah.. I’m sure you’ll love having lots of dogs in the house.. They’re the biggest stress relievers and as you said no one can love as unconditionally as they can.. 🙂
      I’m glad you liked it.. 🙂
      A big hug, high five and a wet slobber from Buddy’s side.. 😉
      And now all the complements are making me blush.. 🙂
      Thank you so much…
      Hugs.. 🙂

  6. Buddy reminded me of my Snoopy
    i miss that lil brat

  7. Lovely post. I can completely understand your love for Buddy. And Dogs are the most wonderful pets. And they all give love unconditionally. 🙂

    Our last dog died last year and since then the house has been empty. We had had dogs in the house since my Granddad was a kid.

    • Thank you so much.. 🙂
      and you’re absolutely right, they’re just the most wonderful pets to have..

      I’m sorry about your dog. I’m sure he was an adorable little thing.

      Thanks once again.

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