For the many thoughts that come and go unannounced and the ones which refuse to budge out of my head…

Posts tagged ‘phone-stalker’

12 Best Ways to Repel a Phone-Stalker

1. Start talking to him as if you were 5 people in the same body. 😛


2. Start selling him your fridge, computer or TV. :mrgreen:


3. Tell him that you’ll only talk to him if he promises to marry you or else you’ll kill yourself. 😈


4. Say you got a sex-change, and he’s the perfect man for you. 😉


5. Say, aah finally I found someone suited for my brother. :mrgreen:


6. Say, “I’m not interested as yet, but would you be interested in home loans, car loans or opening an account at XYZ bank?” 😐


7. Say, “dude! you suck at stalking. I’ll teach you how it’s done.” And then keep calling around 50 times a day without letting him pick up. 😈


8. Say, “can you just hold for a sec? My secret assassin is on the other line. Please don’t tell anyone about him, he just got out of jail.” :mrgreen:


9. Start telling him how you’re planning to kill a famous politician and what suggestions does he have. 😈


10. Start explaining to him the philosophies of life and afterlife. 😛


11. Tell him you’re a secret agent from the ISI, and if he can help you get Kasab out of prison. :mrgreen:


12. Say you’re neck-deep in debt and if he can loan you a crore or so. 😆